After the long thread about how the ncrs works in auto mode and how it could be better I was able to do some testing today. Set speed to 28.0 mph had ncrs in AUTO. Rpm was 4000 rpm and holding steady. Turned off ncrs auto and nothing changed.(it was probably already in the 5 position even though it does not tell you that. Then i moved it manually to position 0. The rpm lowered by 50 and nose of boat seemed to drop maybe and inch. If that. The screen showed the plate moving as the zero was orange then turned to white after a few seconds. Just could not notice it much.
Next i did 0-22 mph with it in the auto position then turned auto off and did 0-22 mph in the zero position.
The auto position held the nose down during take off and the zero position did nothing. I could not plane the boat with ncrs off and in the 0 position until the boat reached maybe 15-18 mph then it seemed to level out.
I wish when you put the boat in gear, you could put the plate in any position you wanted. I would always run on zero unless I wanted the nose up and to throw a wake.
Next i did 0-22 mph with it in the auto position then turned auto off and did 0-22 mph in the zero position.
The auto position held the nose down during take off and the zero position did nothing. I could not plane the boat with ncrs off and in the 0 position until the boat reached maybe 15-18 mph then it seemed to level out.
I wish when you put the boat in gear, you could put the plate in any position you wanted. I would always run on zero unless I wanted the nose up and to throw a wake.