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Depends on what you're using the boat for? If you're a serious skier, ZO is better of course. If you're course skiing, ZO is a must. It's nice having the ability to control the responsiveness of the pull with ZO.
Nautique cruise is easy to work with and sets speeds to the 10th of a mile per hour as well. Once you learn the nuances of Nautique cruise it's just fine. ZO is much easier to work, but you can live with either one. We had Nautique Cruise on our last boat and learned how to work it nicely.
For course skiing, it's more than just speed accuracy though. I set ZO to B1, so the boat doesn't tear my arms off after the turn like C3 would. Nautique cruise is an on/off system only. Again, just depends on what you're using it for. For open water slalom, Nautique Cruise works fine.