2007 to 2013 sante 210 weight question for wakeboarding

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  • scottb7
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 2198

    • Carson City, Nevada

    • 2014 G21 (Current) 2008 SANTE 210

    2007 to 2013 sante 210 weight question for wakeboarding

    I have a 2008 sante 210 and am trying to - once again - decide if i should re-prop or get a different boat. I could get a different boat, but I don't want to spend the money if I don't have to. If I did it would have to get a new lift. so much of a pain....

    I have the 1100 sacs in the back, and we only wakeboard.

    I currently run 2 button presses in the back each side so that is probably 600 a side, plus stock belly, plus another sac in the bow that is probably about 500...So grand total about 2000 lbs grand total water. I am running the 1617 propeller that is 14 x 13.75.

    We want to actually put more water in for bigger wake. Yes, it is beyond or skill level, but why we do this is a different subject.

    My question is has anyone run more then 2000 lbs water in a 210. What has it done to the wake?
    Also, I would have to move from the 1617 (14 x 13.75) to the acme 2571 (14 x 12). So my rpms would go up 400...Which really does not bother me, since the speed we are going the rpms are under 2500 anyway.

  • Paxdad
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Mar 2013
    • 775

    • Cumming, GA

    • 2008 210 SANTE

    With the weight you are currently running what rope length are you at?

    Sent from my iPhone using PLANETNAUTIQUE mobile app
    2008 210 SANTE


    • scottb7
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Aug 2011
      • 2198

      • Carson City, Nevada

      • 2014 G21 (Current) 2008 SANTE 210

      We vary the speed and rope length depending on what we are working on between 21 and 23 mph, and 65 and 75 feet.


      • Outdoorjp
        • Jul 2016
        • 178

        • Carlsbad

        • 2011 SAN team 210

        ? You say you have 2000 lbs in back but only run 1200?

        Just run full and see how you like it.

        We run full wakesurf setup for wakeboarding.

        Just bigger ramp.

        We run same prop. Over 2000 rear. Pluss front weight
        Last edited by Outdoorjp; 09-02-2016, 09:17 AM.


        • scottb7
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Aug 2011
          • 2198

          • Carson City, Nevada

          • 2014 G21 (Current) 2008 SANTE 210

          sorry for confusion...600 lbs each side in the back for total of 1,200 plus another 300 in belly and 500 in bow walkway area is the total of 2,000.

          Yes, you are right that I have 1100 sacs in each side and only run 600 (2 button press)...

          So you are suggesting 1100 lbs each side full in back? Gonna need a lot of bow weight aren't I? And you manage it with 1617 propeller?

          Probably will need the 1,000 lb bow triangle to put on the bow seats...
          Last edited by scottb7; 09-02-2016, 09:34 AM.


          • Outdoorjp
            • Jul 2016
            • 178

            • Carlsbad

            • 2011 SAN team 210

            1617 is a monster prop. Multiple write ups on it.

            300 lbs lead bags in nose and ski locker bag.

            Boat Plains fine


            • migs
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Aug 2008
              • 703

              • San Mateo, CA

              • SAN 210 TE

              My regular setup is 600 in each trunk = 1200 rear total (internal + sacks)
              Bow internal ballast + sack = 600 Bow total
              300 LB sack on the floor right in front of the rear bench.
              Plus 3-4 people.
              So in total prob 2100lbs in ballast + ~600Lbs in people.
              Wake in MACKIN.
              The 300LB sack on the floor against the rear seat makes a huge difference in the wake i find. It really makes the lip pronounced and steep.

              We sometimes will add another 300 lb sack on the floor right in the middle of the boat(right between the port & starboard rear facing back rests) that really makes that wake stand up tall.
              Last edited by migs; 09-02-2016, 11:10 AM.

              G21 - En route
              SAN 210 TE (Finally)
              06 Sky Supreme V220(previous)
              05 Sanger V210(previous)
              01 MC X1(previous)
              99 Air Warrior(previous)

