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I used the lifting ring on mine 'cause it was easier than messing with the strap they give you.The dealer actually recommended it,just make sure the ring is properly tightened or it can move slightly, possibly damaging the finish around the mounting hole.
I use the "bra" that came with it. Takes a little more time to install but if you think about it they force on the pylon when a boarder is spread out more if you use a bra. It also makes a nice hand hold if your taking a break and just swimming around the boat while the kids are jumping of the platform. My .02
If you can't do it in, on, or behind a Nautique..... It just ain't worth doing!
On my 89 I used the strap, but on the 02 and 05 use lifting ring. I got tired of messing with the strap and the dealer said that lifting ring is good to go.
1973 CC Skier
1989 SN 2001
2002 SN 196
2005 216 Limited