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Get yourself a great 3/4 wetsuit, that'll extend your season right up to about a month or so before snowboarding season! Or a dry suit is better if you have a good climate controlled place to store the boat!
I trunked it on Sunday in 65 degree (shrinkage) water with 90 degree air temps and I felt like a cold, sissy girl while in the water. Pretty sure we're not getting those air temps back this year so I'm looking for a new wetsuit. My goal is to go at least once every month until next summer. I've been in 45 degree water with a 3/4 length suit. Never again... Not sure if I should consider a 4/3 or just get another 3/2. Anyone got an opinion on 4/3's?
I'd go 3/2. If you were planning to spend time in the water the 4/3 would be nice, but I think the 3/2 is about as restrictive as I'd want to wear while skiing.
I went last March 9th, in NH, air temp 75 and water temp 40. Crazy, no ice in the river, probably only year in the last 20 we could be out at that time. I wore a 1 mm short sleeve shirt under the 3/2 full wet suit (don't have a dry suit) and while I don't want to do it every day, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The bigger problem was numb hands and feet, but warmed up once I was up. Obviously would have been a much different story on a 50 degree day. But, definitely felt a bit like the Michelin Man.
^^^Ha ha. Well, I only wake surf now so I don't know how much the added thickness of the 4/3 will affect me. I've always worn a 3/2, but I see real ocean surfers wearing 4/3's. I was told that some of the newer wetsuits are super flexible now. Guess I need to go try some on.