Has any one replaced carpet with SEADEK in an older 210?? or??
Here is the link to the thread where I posted my pics and comments from doing my '02 last year...
Working on it now. It's a slow process, it's somewhat gratifying and I'm learning a lot. Currently, trying to get the floor flat and smooth and squaring up the panel openings. Just squared up the fuel tank opening, need another layer of fiberglass and then tackling the ski locker opening and then more floor leveling and smoothing.
Last edited by wakejunky; 10-11-2016, 10:48 AM.
I am doing this as well. My two cents...don't worry too much about the flatness of the floor. Fill in any major holes and gaps, but don't worry about getting it perfect. The seadek will cover most imperfections. The seams where your seadek will be is the most important depending on how much of a gap you want.
MaineDR. I'm not worrying too much about how smooth it is but, more how level it is. I'm finding that the floor sags in the areas where the foam is underneath. I'm kinda a perfectionist and wanted to get it as level and flat as possible. Also figure that if it's smooth, not the roughed in hopper stuff, that the seadek (I'm going with GatorStep, much better customer service and response time) will stick better. I do want to get any seams as smooth and straight as possible because I know those will be much more visible. I am going with Gelcoat instead of spray bedliner or whatever others have used. I want it as close to what they are doing today as possible. I'm planning on just brushing the gelcoat in. I do have an HVLP gun but, I've already invested in materials and tools and I'm getting nervous about going over budget. Not to mention it's requires much more prep than brush.
I installed SeaDek in my 1999 SAN a couple of years ago. Here is the link:
2017 G23
2012 210 TE
1999 SAN
1995 Sport
1991 Sport