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I have sold my 2015 g23 and 2016 230 to the USA from Canada the last 2 years. It was a piece of cake. I met the buyer at the border both times and the paper work took 10 mins and there was no fees. I believe depending on where the boat is going you might have to pay state fees.
I have sold my 2015 g23 and 2016 230 to the USA from Canada the last 2 years. It was a piece of cake. I met the buyer at the border both times and the paper work took 10 mins and there was no fees. I believe depending on where the boat is going you might have to pay state fees.
Thanks! Did you use a customs broker or a shipping company? Or all diy?
No if you meet the seller at the border you wont have to use a broker. The guy that my boat last year looked into the broker and it was quite expensive. Honestly both times I met the buyer at the border I was there no longer than 20 mins.
No if you meet the seller at the border you wont have to use a broker. The guy that my boat last year looked into the broker and it was quite expensive. Honestly both times I met the buyer at the border I was there no longer than 20 mins.
Are there extra fees for bringing across from Canada to us?
I have purchased used nautiques from the states before and it was a slice! I did the deal before it came up then met the driver on the U.S side and received all the paper from the seller. Drove the boat back to Canada with no duty or import fees for the fact that we are under the NAFTA agreement although if your state has a tax that is all should have to pay at the boarder. Just make sure you have all necessary paperwork bill of sale etc. and a copy of the ad where you are buying the boat from to show your customs officer.
What are the requirements to import a boat for personal use?
To import a personal boat into the United States, the following documents should be submitted to the CBP Officer at the Port of Entry:
- Proof of ownership such as a bill of sale.
- Proof the boat conforms to EPA Standards. Complete Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Engine Declaration Form 3520-21. For questions regarding the EPA Form and regulations call (734) 214-4100 or email them at imports@epa.gov.
Rates of Duty: Pleasure boats are generally dutiable when imported into the United States. The following duty rates apply to boats imported for recreational purposes:
-Sailboats and motorboats other than outboard motorboats: 1.5 percent
-Outboard motorboats: 1 percent
-Inflatable vessels: 2.4 percent
-Canoes: Free of duty
-Rowboats/other vessels not designed for use with motors or sails: 2.7 percent
Rates are subject to change; see Chapter 89 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTSUS) for changes.
NOTE: A boat trailer is defined as a "motor vehicle" and must have affixed to it a 17-character VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). DOT Form HS-7 must be completed in order to import the trailer. For questions about Importation Certification with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) call (202) 366-5291.
Are there extra fees for bringing across from Canada to us?
There wasn't both times I sold to the US, but I think depends what state the boat is going to. My 2015 went to Arizona and my 2016 went to Washington DC area.