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hate to be a contrarian. but i don't see boat registration as a fashion statement. i thought long and hard about it with my "new to me" g21 but ultimately decided to get regular flat black from DecalCity. I have used them for 3 boats and they are quick and good.
i am following the minnesota rule and contrast the black lettering with blue hull...but i don't see the point in drawing the eye or any more attention to the boat registration.
maybe jeff or domed numbers can sell you some domed lettering for your waist size on your pants tag on your hip. a la levi
Im thinking that scottb7 and nyryan 2001 are both in need of some lake time.....warm sunny days aren't far off boys!
I would agree. The black 3 inch cookie cutter numbers look terrible on a +/- $140,000 boat so what is the big deal to throw down another $70 for a set of designer registration numbers from Dome Numbers?
I was not happy with the Domed Numbers. 1. I asked if they had an orange metallic that matched the Nautique Orange... they said they did.... it does not! 2. I found the adhesive to be very weak. I have been doing my company semi logo and lettering for almost 30 years so I am not new to applying vinyl.... and the adhesive was not good. 3. I found them to be hard to clean around. With my new standard vinyl letters, I can wash, wax, and wipe right over them..... couldn't do that with the domed lettering.
Just redid mine this weekend. Perfect color match. Previous owner did black vinyl, crooked as all get out and the reg stickers on both sides of the numbers. Ugh
I've been pushing my luck with my last two boats. I can't bring myself to ugly up my boat with hull numbers or a bright red reg sticker. Ugh. How do I make anything look good on an all black boat?
My last boat had black under rubrail. I got a silver and it was about as good as i could see getting on the black. You gotta have some contrast or you gonna get pulled over...This time I got black on masters blue.
And yeah, i agree on not getting domed and having to spend extra time wash, wax, and wiping...
I am super happy with mine from decalcity. Check out the AeroExtended font.
(fonts: line 1: AeroExtended.ttffont color: Blackdecal type: Boat Registrationdecal option: 3 inch Tall x 22 inch Wide (Pair)) = $18.50
Here's the black chromed illusion frost from Domed numbers. Pretty happy with how these came out. I think it 'might' be enough contrast on an all black boat.
Anyone with a GS note that there is very little "GOOD" space to put your registrations? Mine are all the way up on the nose of the boat and my Indiana registration is kinda wrapped around one of the contour lines.