yes SurfingCane it's timing with the ollie on the top of the wave. I haven't got too much air on film video as I'm working to keep my body over the board. You want to make sure you come in with some speed much like a 360 and then take your arms an toss them up then follow with pushing down on the back foot/stomp pad and lifting/pulling your front foot knee to your chest then follow up with the 2nd leg knee to your chest. on land it's kinda like a weird hop.
In this video, you will learn how to do a air ollie on your wakesurf. We walk you through step by step on what you need to do in addition to some common mist...
Thanks man! It looks a lot easier in that video. I use to skateboard ALOT when I was much younger. Had ramps, rail slides, etc.... I've tried the "skateboard" ollie technique a few times and I and up falling before I can even get any air. I think it's my balance I need to work on. Much more different than on an actual skateboard.KEEPCALMANDWAKESURFON
I ride two 650's in each locker full. Surf side rear stock ballast full, opposite side stock 3/8 full, belly ballast full and 300#'s of lead under the bow seats. Run 11.9 mph, ncrs at 2 surf at 1. Pretty much exactly the same everytime.
We just just hit the factory surf setting in the Linc and ride, stock ballast. We have tried messing with it a little, and just end back up at the stock setting. Have not seen a better all-around stock wave then on our '16 G23. Super happy with it. That pic had two people in the boat.
Originally posted by SurfingCane View Post
That's bada**!!! great pic. How are you setting up your G ? Ballast and settings?Last edited by blueroom; 06-29-2017, 12:45 PM.