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Thanks for the post. great video. wish I could pull off a 360. just got a 230 last summer and have surfed a lot of hours. still haven't managed to pull one off. Looks like you are surfing further back than I am. how hard is the drone to figure out?
Looks like you are surfing further back than I am. how hard is the drone to figure out?
You should be surfing further back on a 230. That's the best thing about the 230 wake over the G23. We spent several weeks dialing it in and now we can move the rope from the top down to the rear port-side cleat and surf all the way back to the end of the rope.
I don't know much about the quadcopter. I do know it's a DJI but it was my buddy flying it. It has all kinds of GPS tracking, etc. I was amazed at the video quality.
We spent several weeks dialing it in and now we can move the rope from the top down to the rear port-side cleat and surf all the way back to the end of the rope.
Charles, do you mind sharing how you dialed it in? We picked our 230 up a month ago and are still working on dialing it in. Thanks!
So I'm still : Port Full, Belly Full, Starboard 3/4 with 500 pounds of lead bags. 300 Port side and 200 Starboard side. Lately we've been experimenting with taking the Starboard tank to Full. We CANNOT do this with just 2 or 3 people on the boat. The Port side wake suffers. If we have 4 or more people on the boat, we can usually take the Starboard tank to 7/8 or Full.
Note that my goal here is to produce a big, clean, long wake. Yes, I know I could put 750s Port & Starboard in the back and another sack under the cushions up front for an even bigger wake but I'm just not going to do that. That eats all of my storage.
I know the 230 is a different beast than the G23, but I have been extremely satisfied with adding 250 lbs of ballast lead bags in the port side with all stock ballast filled 100% ( port , starboard and center). This has created a great wake on the port side of our G23 should this help any G23 owner/surfer.