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So is speeding and talking on your cell phone while driving. Oh right, none of us ever do those either.
sarcasm aside I take your point and I would never sit back there at 30 mph but at 10 while spotting a surfer I honestly don't see it as a big deal. I mean truthfully is it really any worse than sitting on the sundeck while someone is surfing? Obviously you don't let a three-year-old sit back there but a full-grown adult who is manning the rope and behaving responsibly seems like a non-issue. I think at some point common sense has to prevail.
That's not necessarily true though. Different strokes for different folks as when we surf on my buddy's X23, we use them the entire time. I love them actually.
Are you saying you're sitting in those seats while the boat is moving? I hope you're on a private lake if that's the case. Outside of that, it's illegal in almost every state.
I think at some point common sense has to prevail.
It depends on the laws in your state, how well patrolled your lake is and how aggressive the LEO wants to be. Where I am, sitting in those seats while under way is just asking for it. You will get stopped, you will get a ticket.
It depends on the laws in your state, how well patrolled your lake is and how aggressive the LEO wants to be. Where I am, sitting in those seats while under way is just asking for it. You will get stopped, you will get a ticket.
I'm in Canada and I'm honestly not sure what the rules are here regarding those seats as I don't own a boat with them so never had a reason to look into it but I've seen lots of people doing it so never questioned it but I am certainly going to look into it. thanks for the heads up!
That being said I will also get a ticket if I'm doing 10 over the speed limit on the highway and I've been known to do that now and again so...
Main thing I would be worried about with the rear seats is carbon monoxide. Probably reduced with the surf pipe but definitely still a chance for it to come up there. If you get CO poisoning and aren't wearing a vest you're done.
Yes. I'm on P. Have a lakehouse over on Henderson Point. That's the peninsula that juts out in the lake from FM315 and is directly across the lake from the Villages. and would be happy to give you a tour. Definitely need to know where to go and where not. PM me when you're ready and we will find a time.
Also would love to see your new G when you get it. Even better would be to get my wife on it. She gives me the evil eye when I mention upgrading to a newer one. Lol
Also would love to see your new G when you get it. Even better would be to get my wife on it. She gives me the evil eye when I mention upgrading to a newer one. Lol