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Just my opinion, and hopefully the tone is lost in text and you're being somewhat tongue and cheek. But for someone who grew up in Houston, has family and friends in Houston and has been effected greatly by Harvey, this is a pretty insensitive statement considering the timing, but maybe I'm just very sensitive to this topic as well. Minds should be on safety and well being of people in Florida not so much on a delayed boat build.
You need to worry about things that are actually important! As a resident of Houston (whose home has been flooded along with MANY of my neighbors and friends), this post has to be one of the most inconsiderate, insensitive, selfish thing I've heard on this site. After Hurricane Harvey through Texas and now Irma bearing down on Florida...the biggest thing you have to worry about is your brand new $150k boat?!?! REALLY!?!?! Grow up. Lives are going to be lost in this storm, and the property damage is going to be extensive, but you're more concerned about your new boat than all of that (including the employees in Orlando that are actually building your boat)! Come on! GTFO!
You're right I'd be upset too that people are worried about their lives instead of finishing production on your boat. Pretty selfish of them. Hopefully they get their priorities inline soon. I hope you can pick up on my sarcasm as I put it on pretty thick...Amazing
I'm hoping that was said in jest. I'm certain the hundreds of employees of Correct Craft aren't happy about having to brace for a storm and take time from building your boat to care for their families. I think a delay of a few days will probably be absorbed by you quite quickly - much quicker in fact than if an employee loses his home or a loved one.
If it is already built and waiting on shipping then at least you can rest comfortably that if the factory does flood your boat will float...unless it's tied down...or the building gets blow over onto it. Best of luck to you, and you can rest assured that when/if the storm hits Orlando my thoughts will be with the people at Correct Craft and not with your delayed boat.
Yes I am well aware that people are affected maybe I worded that wrong. I housed people that were affected by the Houston floods last weekend and know way too many people to count that lost everything in Harvey . Being as I lived in Houston at the time of the 2005 hurricane I fully understand the importance of times like this. Please take it easy!!!
You need to worry about things that are actually important! As a resident of Houston (whose home has been flooded along with MANY of my neighbors and friends), this post has to be one of the most inconsiderate, insensitive, selfish thing I've heard on this site. After Hurricane Harvey through Texas and now Irma bearing down on Florida...the biggest thing you have to worry about is your brand new $150k boat?!?! REALLY!?!?! Grow up. Lives are going to be lost in this storm, and the property damage is going to be extensive, but you're more concerned about your new boat than all of that (including the employees in Orlando that are actually building your boat)! Come on! GTFO!
As I said in the post above, I obviously worded this wrong. However you sir have no idea my connection to the devastation to the city of Houston and surrounding areas. I am well vested in that community and know all too well what is going on on the ground down there.
he didnt say they should stay and work just that he was not happy , i get it been looking to get the new toy and now its on hold sucks ,
i hope all the people get out and every thing works out . i have family and friends in houston, lived there for along time born there ,hang in there .
I'm currently in Houston, came from Phoenix to work... I have a Restoration company. My heart is broken for all those who lost loved ones, and who's homes were affected by Harvey! It's the saddest thing to see how much was lost.
Well, I don't know, maybe I'm reading it wrong but I agree with BigEasy, I wouldn't be happy if my boat was getting delayed, I have a cruise leaving out of South Florida in 10 days, it will most likely get canceled, I'm not happy about that. I'm also happy to gas prices will probably go up again.
For sure I'm not happy that so many lives have been affected by Irma and so many more are about to be affected by the storm!
Nothing makes me happy about the storm, not the destruction, not the delays, not the cancellations! Absolutely nothing!
What would make me happy? Simple, I want Irma to make a sudden right hand turn and go north harmlessly into the Atlantic.
Last edited by SANonTellico; 09-08-2017, 05:26 AM.