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I'm a big boy I can handle it. That's why I didn't delete it or change it. Some people understand and some take out of context and start name calling. It's all good.
As I said in the post above, I obviously worded this wrong. However you sir have no idea my connection to the devastation to the city of Houston and surrounding areas. I am well vested in that community and know all too well what is going on on the ground down there.
The ONLY thing you should have said in your post above was an apology. My 5 year old asked me when we could go home a couple days ago, and I told him that I didn't know and it would be a very long time. THAT is how "connected" and "well vested" to the storm and community I am...I had to tell my 5 YEAR OLD that he doesn't have a place to live.
The ONLY thing you should have said in your post above was an apology. My 5 year old asked me when we could go home a couple days ago, and I told him that I didn't know and it would be a very long time. THAT is how "connected" and "well vested" to the storm and community I am...I had to tell my 5 YEAR OLD that he doesn't have a place to live.
Why do I owe you or any one an apology? I didn't maliciously try to hurt or call anyone out. I clearly stated that wasn't my intent. You obviously have your own interpretation of what I posted and I respect that. Good day
The UPS guy who delivers to my neighborhood in the afternoon also delivers to Nautique/Correct Craft in the AM. He just dropped off a package and said that when he delivered to Nautique there was only one guy in receiving and a few maintenance people wrapping things up.
Apparently all other employees were told not to come to work today and instead to stay home and make final preparations for their own safety and for that of their families.
Yeah....go a little easier on Easy.....we all knew what he meant. It's just a timing thing and affects us all at different levels right now. Lives go on and boat building goes on. The name calling was a bit off base though. He just made a comment in a BOAT forum about his delay. Just happens his boat is coming from Florida. Same comment could have been made about a dealer delay in Connecticut and no panties would had gotten wadded.....Everyone be safe out there this weekend.