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STOLEN BOATS!!! We need your help! We had 4 boats stolen early in the morning Sept 13th from our Calmar Alberta location. Please keep an eye out for...
I saw this on fb. I was wondering what someone can actually do with a stolen boat??? I'm sure they can't be sold without the titles or registered, so what would the intent be with a stolen boat?
With 4 boat like that....and msrp of over $500k my guess, if they are professional crew is they will try to get them out of country where much harder to recover and they can sell for half of value...If amateur's, they will be caught pretty quick. Obviously a group, so all it will take is one getting caught to rat out the others.
With 4 boat like that....and msrp of over $500k my guess, if they are professional crew is they will try to get them out of country where much harder to recover and they can sell for half of value...If amateur's, they will be caught pretty quick. Obviously a group, so all it will take is one getting caught to rat out the others.
For an amateurs it would be pretty big stunt. Its not like you can just pick up four boats and walk away. Too bad they are always taking a great boats. It would be hilarious if somebody tried to sail away with this one for example.
If those boats went into containers, that was a professional job! I was told a ski boat can fit in a container, but not a wake boat, and certainly those G's would be HUGE! They are too wide to fit in a container, so the towers would have to be removed, racks built for the boats to fit diagonally tilted in the container...maybe even the windshields removed?
Anyway, a bummer that the police can't find them and throw em in the slammer....
2008 230 TE-ZR6
1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(
If those boats went into containers, that was a professional job! I was told a ski boat can fit in a container, but not a wake boat, and certainly those G's would be HUGE! They are too wide to fit in a container, so the towers would have to be removed, racks built for the boats to fit diagonally tilted in the container...maybe even the windshields removed?
Anyway, a bummer that the police can't find them and throw em in the slammer....
A standard shipping container I believe is 8' wide, so at 102" beam... yep not going to fit. Still sucks for the dealer, but at least no one is missing out on their summer vacation with their boat because of it. It sort of amazes me this doesn't happen more often, when I see boats in yards with no security and no trailer lock at all.
Short of them being shipped overseas or taken to Mexico I'm not sure what the value of stealing them is. There isn't much of a black market for parts like there is for cars and no chance you could register or even use the boats in USA/Canada without someone noticing.
Pro heist for sure. Just the fact to have FOUR proper towing setups (HD truck with 2 5/16th balls) to make a fast and clean getaway would take some planning (or prior stealing). They should see if some big trucks have been stolen in the area recently.