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Depends on the rules of your lake. Our home lake requires us to have the flag up only when someone is floating in the water, and then down when the skier is being towed. For the frequent up/down requirement I found a good flag mount called Flag Buddy: http://caddiebuddy.com/water/
Flag buddy doesn't work great if you need to have the flag up the whole time, because the wind will push it down. When I'm on a lake that requires the flag to be up the whole time, I just use the suction cup version you can find anywhere. And I then just ziptie it to the tower so it doesn't fall off.
I looked and looked and ended up with the Flag Buddy. Simple and inexpensive. We only use it when we are anchored and have people in the water. Otherwise when surfing or wakeboarding I have someone hold the flag and physically raise it when the rider starts or falls.