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Compared to the Portland, OR area That's a good price. I think storage prices are going to wary widely by region so it is worthless to ask what people are paying unless it is in your local area.
Ok...don't know how fantastic these prices are, and they are supposedly based on knowing someone etc....but my buddy pays $450 for winterization, an oil change, and storage...I like to winterize myself, and do my own maintenance so I pay $320 for just storage...This is covered not heated in pole barn kind of thing.
P.S. I heard $200 is pretty normal for just winterizing.
You really have to compare apples to apples and it will vary greatly by region.
In southern OR I paid:
$330 to winterize and service (winterize can be bought separately from service which includes new engine oil and trans fluid)
$130 to clean hull. I would do this myself if I could but after 4 months sitting in the water, the nasty slimy hull really benefits from being able to lift it off the trailer which I cannot do at home to get to all those hard to reach spots.
$192 to shrink wrap my SV211 with a tower.
Total $667 (some misc charge in there)
I store the shrink wrapped boat at my house. I have lots of open space but nothing covered. If I wanted them to store it outside, I think it used to be $1/foot/month--could be a bit more now.
1,500 for storage (either shrink wrap or indoor) plus winterizing a G23, oil change, etc. sounds fair. Depends on who and where its being stored. Some random guys shed, no way. A reputable storage facility with insurance and employees to take care of it over the winter if necessary, then yes worth the money
Our state fairgrounds here in Chippewa Falls, WI charges $200+$10 per foot for indoor storage for the entire winter. The buildings are locked down tight with security systems. It's a great deal if you're up for a road trip from MN. Plus, it's a charitable organization for you can write it off.
$150/month so $900 for the total winter. Heated inside a mill building with security. Does not include any winterization of the boat whatsoever. I do that myself.
I'm debating $625 for a unused airplane hanger or $250 for a barn. Its insured so I'll probably go the barn route. $400 winterizes including an oil change.
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19 SANTE 210
08 SANTE 210 ZR6
08 SANTE 230 ZR6
04 Super Air 210 Team Edition Ex343- Loved that boat
96 Sport Nautique GT-40 - First Nautique
88 Baja Ski Sport- First boat
I have only had the boat for 3 winters and have stored it a different way each time. But from what I have looked up, it is $21/ft for shrink wrap and anywhere from 20 a month for open field, 30-50 for cold barn depending on where you go, and in all reality I have never seen heated storage prices around here.
1500 sounds crazy to me, but I guess if I had a new 23 I would be all over that kind of care. Especially in Minnesota, one of the few places ****tier than Chicago during winter.
We pay 71 dollars a month for up to 24ft that includes trailer and swim platform in a limestone mine that has dehumidifiers running and is a constant 58 degrees