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Which model of pebble is it? I found a few different ones.
Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
I just use the Classic. They're the least expensive and work just fine. As I understand it, the "Time" adds functionality for ballast shift but we've never needed that. I've never even used it from the helm.
Which model of pebble is it? I found a few different ones.
Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
On my 2017 G , I purchased both a Pebble Time and a Pebble 2 . Both model watches are functional with the 2017, but I prefer the Pebble Time better because of the graphics
On my 2017 G , I purchased both a Pebble Time and a Pebble 2 . Both model watches are functional with the 2017, but I prefer the Pebble Time better because of the graphics
Are the graphics different for the NSS App on the Time?
Just the switching sides remote was worth it for me... way easier than trying to communicate a switch with the driver. I can go back and forth on demand as I please!