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Probablly so and yes the G is a pain to drive in tight surroundings but why purchase aTweener model (GS) if you are only going to surf? Major purchase question to ask yourself. If you went on and bought the GS , you would just constantly hear, "if only (Dad, Friend Husband) had purchased a G, our surfing experience would have been so much more enjoyable and rewarding". Something to think about prior to your purchase decision.
Oh I'm sure it drives better than the G. I ride/drive my neighbor's G23 and it's laughable how bad it handles sometimes. He nicknamed it "The Walrus" because of it. You'll need to make a decision on how important handling is to you.
Why not go with another G23? If surfing is your main purpose and you are staying with Nautique then i say stay with the G23 or save some $ and get a new 230 and add some weight....