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$4000 retail so final prices depends on what kind of discount you are getting. We though Tungsten as well until we sat with the dealer for a while. Tungsten scratches white, so every little small key, board, phone, any scratch, will show up white. That would drive me crazy. That said, no doubt all Tungsten looks incredible.
Interior deck colors are bad about fading too. They take direct sunlight most of the day so oxidation is an issue. I considered a red interior deck and the dealer talked me out of it because he said they have had issues with interior deck colors. I didn't ask him the details the price was pretty much enough of a deterrent for me.
It looks incredible, there is no doubt about. But hoping the interior Tungsten deck won’t be a problem may be a big leap of faith. I am interested to see your follow review after a summer of use and how it wears.
I had a malibu vtx 2016 previously with a off white vinyl and it didnt look so good after 120 hours, I’m looking forward to the seadek walk through and not having to stand on the upholstery all the time. There are two boats in our area both with grey interior and they look great.
Fading should not be a problem for us here in nz, our boat lives in a garage year round, not many people keep boats on the lakes here.
This is the g23 with grey at the marina we launch at. They use it a lot and it seems to wear pretty well.