Hey guys, long time lurker, first post. Trying to get my 2001 SAN surfing and have a few questions. I yanked the hard tanks and have been running 2 750's and a bow sac with a Swell shaper. I have been the only one surfing and have been unable to this point to drop the rope. Last time I had over 1,000 pound of people moving around to try and find a sweet spot but just not quite dialed. Wondering if I'm going too fast, initially started around 10 but thought it might be too slow so tried a couple tics faster but no luck, what am I missing? Do I have to list it? Have been running pretty even weight apart from moving big bodies. I have a phase 5 Hypsta cause I'm pretty big guy at about 215 lbs. Thanks a bunch guys, here's a pic for fun but I'll see if a buddy has one of the surf wake.
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