I have to admit I was a little jealous of the new stock over molded strapless rack design on the 18's, but after looking at both have decided I like the aftermarket Tritons a little better. The Tritons can be height adjusted on the fly via a tool less design, but the Nautique racks you have to set with some screws and a wrench. A minor drawback if you want to change the height of the slots for surf vs. wake, etc. You could probably change out the hardware to make it somewhat tool less, but you still don't have the convenient slide lock design. Also, the metal construction has really grown on me, and I can paint them if I want a different look. We have had boards from several manufacturers in them, and no rash or clanging yet.
Bottom line, after almost 100 hours on them I still love my Tritons and they are the absolute best upgrade I have made to my G.
It is awesome that Nautique offers strapless racks standard on certain models, and I would be really happy with the stock ones as well - I am just not as jealous anymore. : )
Pics of height adjustments for each attached.

Bottom line, after almost 100 hours on them I still love my Tritons and they are the absolute best upgrade I have made to my G.
It is awesome that Nautique offers strapless racks standard on certain models, and I would be really happy with the stock ones as well - I am just not as jealous anymore. : )
Pics of height adjustments for each attached.