GS22 vas GS24

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  • Indygreen
    • Feb 2018
    • 56

    • Indiana

    • 2008 Super Air Nautique 230

    GS22 vas GS24

    I'm posting for a friend who is considering a GS22 or 24. Not sure I'm in the correct category to post this.

    He is trying to determine which boat if either is better for his purpose. He currently owns a 24ft Yamaha jet boat and would be new to the inboard scene. In his boating circles including myself are some of us that have Ski Nautiques, 230's and G23 so he's familiar with inboards. His family is getting more and more involved in the water sport scene and especially slalom skiing and surfing.
    His needs would be --- A fun boat, decent slalom wake, decent surf wake, room for 5-8 people, good storage, decent ride and a good driving boat. With the advertised do it all boat he thinks a GS series might be a good choice for his needs. He was wondering the following.

    We know the slalom wake is not going to be at the level of a 200 but is it skier friendly wake for the recreational and possibly future tournament skiing.
    Is there much difference is the slalom wake of the GS22 vs the 24. Same applies for the surf wake.
    Is there much difference in is storage between the two
    He assumes the ride is better on the 24 because of the weight but is it that much better.
    Is the 22 little more nimble and drive better/sportier than the 24
    I guess is there anything that really stands out between the two that would lean you one way or another. I'm sure cost will play into it.
    If anyone has any experience with these boats, please share your thoughts and experience.
    Thank you!

    1,000 Post Club Member
    • May 2013
    • 2795

    • Smith Mountain Lake, VA (Craddock Creek area)

    • 2017 G23 Coastal Edition H6 | 2001 Sport Nautique | 1981 Ski Nautique

    You are going to get tons of different opinions on this post and my opinion will probably upset some of the crossover boat owners . If I still slalom skied and wanted to go to tournaments I would purchased a used Ski Nautique or a three event tournament boat then I would purchase a Wake specific boat such as a 230 or a G23 to wakesurf , wakeboard or generally cruising around the lake in comfort .

    I had a crossover boat in the past ( Sport Nautique ) and said to myself that I never wanted to own another crossover boat. One boat “”Just Can’t Do It All”, eventhough crossover owners will tell you a different story . To each his own but this is my opinion
    Last edited by GMLIII; 07-22-2018, 06:51 PM.


    • Indygreen
      • Feb 2018
      • 56

      • Indiana

      • 2008 Super Air Nautique 230

      Thanks for the reply. Being a tournament skier in the past I can relate to your thoughts but I do think todays crossover are a step up from those in the past. As long as your expectations aren't that your think a GS wake is that of a 3 event Ski 200 slalom wake, but knowing its going to be much better than a 230 or G23 slalom wake.


      • kylant
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • May 2010
        • 538

        • Lake Tahoe

        • 2014 210 2019 GS22, 2017 GS20, 2000 Air Nautique

        I have the GS20, great boat, does it all. The ski wake is flat, but there is a noticeable hard hump in the middle. My 2000 Air Nautique skied way better (TSC2 hull). Surf wake is decent, still trying to get it dialed. If he is only taking 5-8 people out at a time, I would go 22. I am looking to upsize to the 22 (should have bought it first). I think the 24 will just be too big for his needs


        • ScooterMcgavin
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Jul 2011
          • 1478

          • Florida

          • 2014 SAN 210 TE

          I think the GS22 would fit your friends needs very well.
          2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
          2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
          1989 Sport Nautique


          • beamons
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Jun 2017
            • 376

            • Utah

            • 2005 Ski Nautique Limited Looking for a 230 or g23 prev. 1998 Ski Nautique, 2004 Nautique SV211

            I would say GS22 also, but I totally agree with GMLIII. I own a crossover SV211 and am very disappointed in the slalom wake. My dads I/O is miles better when it comes to the wake but it can't really pull me up anymore.
            That being said, I have heard great things about the GS line. I hope to continue to hear more, so you GS owners please pipe up and add your comments.
            In regards to the original question, I think ScooterMcgavin is right the 22 is going to be the best of all worlds desired.


            • Indygreen
              • Feb 2018
              • 56

              • Indiana

              • 2008 Super Air Nautique 230

              Thank you all for trying to help and all the feedback. He's still researching and trying determine his best fit.

