The gas cap fell off while fueling. The screw that connects the cap to the chain fell off, no one noticed this until it was time to put the cap back on.... ooops, no cap, it's at the bottom of the lake. No problem to replace, just curious on others thoughts if this should be covered by warranty?
RE: Gas cap replacement
I think since the retaining chain either broke or came loose from the cap, then yes it should be covered under warranty if the warranty is still active. The chain is there to so this situation is avoided. Yes, make a warranty claim.
1,000 Post Club Member
- Jul 2003
- 2908
- San Francisco, CA
- Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous
RE: Gas cap replacement
There is no way to make these boats completely foolproof. If it was within the first 20 hours maybe under warranty or a courtesy replacement from the dealer to keep a happy customer. If it was after 20 hours... just buy a new cap and get back to enjoying the boat. The cost of the cap is probably less than the cost of towing the boat to the dealer.
RE: Gas cap replacement
My chain is not connected to one of the fuel caps. I guess I should reattach it soon so i don't have the same problem. Mine happened the first year we owned it, anf I guess I just have not been that concerned. I am really carefull when fueling on the water as to not loose the cap.
Do you know what size the screw is that attaches the chain?
RE: Gas cap replacement
Well, my dealer has sent me the wrong gas cap twice now. The 1st one screwed into the hole, but was too big to set flush. At least it made a tight seal. The 2nd one was way too small. Both times I told them the year and model boat. How many different gas caps did CC make?
BTW, does this sound like Goldylocks & the 3 bears... too big, too small, just right (I'm hoping).
RE: Gas cap replacement
Had the same thing happen on my 93Sn. Couldnt get the right replacememnt cap, spent a summer using a very attractive threaded pvc cap. Eventually ended up replacing the whole filler neck piece. My current boat has a cable instead of the unreliable chain.
RE: Gas cap replacement
I run a camp that has 6 2006 nautiques (4 206s and 2 210s), and we have lost 3 caps already. the problem is that the cap hangs at the same height as the rub rail, so when the boat pushes into the dock it pops off the cap. we sent someone down by our fuel dock, and he came up with seven gas caps. the chain should either be shorter, or longer to avoid the problem. the piece that holds the cap to the chain is a joke.