Boat garage setup pics

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  • Infinity
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Sep 2017
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    • Lake Norman - Denver, NC

    • 2014 SV244 w/ ZR409

    Boat garage setup pics

    Post up pictures of your finished boat garage!

    I built my 24ft boat a new detached garage when I built my new home recently. I fully insulated and installed a wall unit so I could heat/cool the space. Its done a great job, only thing I did not realize when I bought it was that the lowest heat setting is 61 degrees and there are times when it would be nice to set it too 50 degrees. But its been very efficient since I was careful to insulate well and use a LOT of spray foam and I cannot complain. Moved in Sept 2018....and FINALLY just got the garage set up like I had been planning, just need to properly organize all my tools and boat stuff now. When I designed the garage, I wanted to be able to maximize the space since the boat is roughly 27ft long on the trailer with the tongue folded and swim platform on (I use it to get into boat) and about 9.5ft wide from fender to fender on width. The garage is 32ft long X 16ft wide with 12x12 garage door (Ceiling of garage is 13' tall). Since it has 2x6 walls, inside comes to basically 31ft long X 15ft wide.
    I wanted to be able to bring the boat home from a day on the lake, and from inside the boat, remove everything if I wanted to without having to climb in/out of the boat. Same for loading up, so I can choose what surf boards, kids toys, etc.....that we want on the lake that day without getting out. I usually remove the seats to make sure the boat dries out and I never get any mildew or wet I built 3 wood racks on the side for the seat, and 2) 4x8 metal racks that hang down from the ceiling 42". This allows me to reach all the main things for the boat by either standing on the gunnels (I installed decking on gunnels for grip), or standing on the rear walk-thru transom. Then I also added as many metal shelving units at rear that I could (have 3 installed so far) those are for tools, boat supplies, oil change equip and all the other fun stuff....and am putting a "Gladiator" wall system up to hang things like rakes, shovels and other misc. On left wall, I still have 8 of those to install which will finish filling up that wall.
    I got this all done while boat was at the shop over the last 2 weeks...brought her home last night and backed her in for the first time and am pretty happy with how things turned out, everything fits perfectly, tho just barely in some areas. I planned to epoxy the garage floor in the Spring and think that I will put down something (maybe a colored line in the paint), so when I back in, I know to keep my tire on the line since I only have roughly 6" on each side of wiggle room to keep boat where I want it so I still have access to walk down either side of the boat since there will still be some things on the floor. I need to install some kind of "tire stop" as well so I can keep the depth correct.

    Love to see pictures of anyone else's set up!!
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    Last edited by Infinity; 01-23-2019, 11:23 AM.
    1,000 Post Club Member
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    Very nice garage set-up. OCD like me


    • Green
      • Feb 2018
      • 87

      • KS

      • 18-G23

      Subscribed ^ Nice garage btw. In process of finishing my 30x40 also and have spent countless hours debating the finishes. HVAC being installed currently so on standstill until all returns are ran to finish corrugated metal ceiling. Will post pics soon but great thread for other diy'ers


      • brit_hunsicker
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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        Looks very nice. If money was not an issue, I would have installed a ductless mini-split unit for the HVAC. They are very efficient but you’d be looking at $3-4k for one to be installed as that’s not something the average homeowner can just put in themselves. I work in the HVAC industry so those are the things I always think about. If you were just wanting heat only, a radiant tube heater would have been most efficient. Set at 40-50 degrees through the winter would be great for your set up. But that would obviously not give you cooling. Either way, nice set up! I am jealous for sure!

        Sent from my iPad using PLT Nautique


        • Infinity
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Sep 2017
          • 730

          • Lake Norman - Denver, NC

          • 2014 SV244 w/ ZR409

          Looking forward to seeing pics of your new garage! Hoping this will turn into an awesome thread with lots of pics from others showing some great ideas for boat garages.

          Here are 2 more pictures...taken from bow and swim step of boat, the heights turned out perfect to put everything in/out of boat. Right now I have the boat stripped down to bare bones which is typically part of my "winterizing" process when I know it will be too cold to get in any runs, I even remove the board racks, since I am making some covers for my swivel, board racks for the tower to keep them cleaner when towing...tired of scrubbing bug guts off them.
          Once I figure out what items I will be taking in/out of the boat most frequently, I will organize the racks better. I really didn't organize it yet since I ran out of time, but my OCD will kick in soon, I will likely end up staying up all night sometime soon to get that done, lol.
          Attached Files


          • 99bison
            • Jul 2014
            • 135

            • Location

            What board rack you using in there?


            • Tom_H
              • Jan 2014
              • 244

              • Minnesota

              Nice looking set-up. Mine's not nearly so organized, but like you, have it set-up where I can load/unload from inside the boat. My garage is a tuck-under though, so ceilings are low (which makes hanging things easy), but usually results in me braining myself on the beam that spans the garage. What I wouldn't give to go in tower up, but that'll never happen in our current house, and I fully expect the next house to be on the lake.

              On your heater, if you want to run a lower temp than the 61-degree minimum, just wire the power through an external thermostat.


              • Infinity
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Sep 2017
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                • Lake Norman - Denver, NC

                • 2014 SV244 w/ ZR409

                Originally posted by 99bison View Post
                What board rack you using in there?
                I made the board racks myself. Used 2x4 against the wall for the main supports, drilled holes in them, sanded/painted them and then glued/screwed the elbow pipe fitting into it....I bought and glued together 1" CPVC and used a 45 degree elbow into the 2x4 to get the upwards curve, then I covered the CPVC with pipe foam to keep boards from getting scratched or dinged.
                Started building the top racks and as you can see, half way thru I changed the design some since I wanted a cleaner look than I was getting, I like the lower design better and plan to modify the upper sets to match them when I have time. Difference is only that on the lower ones, I cut them a bit shorter and finished the end using adhesive foam on the ends, on upper ones I put an end cap on the CPVC and then wrapped the ends with pipe foam and secured with a zip tie....looks a lot sloppier and they are way too long.

                I am a builder/GC by trade, so like to do stuff myself when I can. Just takes me a while to get it done sometimes since I don't have much time and end up working on it a couple hours in the evenings here and there. Downside is that occasionally my OCD will kick in and I will stay up all night getting something done....and I am getting old enough where its hard to shrug that off the following day and its rarely worth it.


                • sixcampbells
                  • Feb 2016
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                  • Seattle

                  • Current: '18 G23 Past: 2016 G23 Past: 2014 G23

                  I am going to build a similar board rack. Thanks for the idea! Well done.

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                  • 99bison
                    • Jul 2014
                    • 135

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                    Indeed, nice work and thank you for providing the details!


                    • BMANNING
                      • May 2007
                      • 55

                      • Double Oak, TX

                      Here is my work in progress. I'm thinking about adding HVAC as it can get pretty roasty in the summer time. The winter time is not too bad as i have a propane heater. When I built the garage I wanted the door opening at 12ft so I would not need to lower the tower. I wished I had the room as the guys that use hangars. More toys than room...

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                      2018 - G23
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                      • Infinity
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Sep 2017
                        • 730

                        • Lake Norman - Denver, NC

                        • 2014 SV244 w/ ZR409

                        Originally posted by Tom_H View Post
                        Nice looking set-up. Mine's not nearly so organized, but like you, have it set-up where I can load/unload from inside the boat. My garage is a tuck-under though, so ceilings are low (which makes hanging things easy), but usually results in me braining myself on the beam that spans the garage. What I wouldn't give to go in tower up, but that'll never happen in our current house, and I fully expect the next house to be on the lake.

                        On your heater, if you want to run a lower temp than the 61-degree minimum, just wire the power through an external thermostat.
                        I am not experienced in wiring or HVAC, is there an easy way to explain how I would wire it to an external thermostat? If its over my head, I could pass it on too either my HVAC guy or electrician and likely get it done fairly cheap since I provide them with a lot of work since I am a General Contractor by trade.
                        I know my pics of the heat/AC are not very detailed....but it just a basic system that looks like a window unit, but is designed to put into an external wall since it had a "sleeve", tho it would likely function just fine as a window unit too. It has a single power wire and the thermostat is built into the unit and the pre-set settings range from 61-80 degrees, so wondering how I could put it on an external thermostat like you suggested since to me, there would be multiple benefits doing that. Beyond that the system has plenty of power to easily cool or heat the entire garage space (partly cause I insulated the entire garage space really well since I wanted it to be as efficient as possible) and the $1k I spent to over-insulate the walls/roof, will likely be re-couped in 2yrs time since the unit will not run nearly as much if it was not insulated at all. Weakest point is the 12x12 door, even tho the garage door is insulated, I am sure the R-value is well below my walls/ceilings.
                        Thank you for the suggestion!


                        • Wayward
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                          • BMANNING
                            • May 2007
                            • 55

                            • Double Oak, TX

                            Wayward... That is AWESOME to say the least.
                            2018 - G23
                            2012 - 230 SANTE
                            2010 - 230 SANTE
                            2007 - 210 SANTE
                            2003 - 210 SANTE
                            1996 - Ski Nautique


                            • core-rider
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