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I started using them last season, and I like them. They are quick to install and easy to adjust. The biggest perk is the size, they take up less space than the huge ball bumpers I previously had.
And when the ballast is full and people are onboard space is limited on the 02.
If you did a group buy I’d buy some. The only thing holding me back from purchasing these Is they seem a little overpriced when the alternative is so much cheaper
Same here. I don't use fenders all that often and at the price point of the Missions, I'm inclined to just stick with my "fat tube" style. If we managed to get the price down I'd be much more interested.
I just looked around and they're $64 each, no matter where.
Same here. I don't use fenders all that often and at the price point of the Missions, I'm inclined to just stick with my "fat tube" style. If we managed to get the price down I'd be much more interested.
I just looked around and they're $64 each, no matter where.
Check out the reviews , many negitive comments . Maybe jury is still out on these fenders?
I got a pair for xmas for my G but haven't got to try them yet. They look awesome though.
Hey Mike, came across this post, I’m thinking of giving these a try for my 16’ G23, have you had some time using them? If so, would you recommend? Thanks for any info —Brian
I just bought a pair at the boat show. I like the size and integrated tie-strap. Not sure cheap, but these boats are not cheap either, and if these can help ease my day when tying up to a random dock at the restaurant or a friend's place, then I'll pay a bit extra.
I recently bought some Missions as well for our boat, that should be ready by the end of the week, so I haven't used them yet. I did see some bad reviews on Amazon or something, but I think it was mostly from operator error, where users were not locking the strap into position (probably due to being unaware that the strap needs to be locked in).