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Haven't skied the 211 and it's been a while since I've been behind a 216. But I've heard that there's not that much difference between the two. That's only what I've heard from CC factory people I keep in touch with. If you don't care about the wake, Fatboy, then I'd buy a 196--if you are planning to keep it for a while. There's not doubting that the wake behind the 196 is the best of all CC boats. On the other hand, if you'll be looking to turn the boat in a year or two, I'd buy a 206--your wife will still notice a substantial difference and it'll be easier to unload.
This is a pretty timely discussion... I just returned from a week of skiing at Lake Shuswap in Northern BC Canada behind a buddies new 2006 216 (only 3.5 hours when I arrived!). First off I forgot how great a lightly loaded DD inboard handles and drives when compared to our 211's. It was a real treat to drive all week. It also had the ZR6 so it was much quicker out of the hole than what I am settling with in my 211. My wife really liked the wake at 25mph. I usually pull her at 30 behind our 211 just so the wake is manageable, she prefers the slower speed. I skied at 15 and 22off at 34mph once we got the PP dailed. The wake seemed really flat to me, even flatter than my 1995 Ski Nautique (pre TSC).
Now let's talk interior layout. The 216 layout is a huge compromise compared to the 211. We cruised across the lake with the other couple up front, us in the back. I had also forgotten how much less sociable a DD is. With 4 adults and one infant the boat seemed almost full for skiing. We could have put two or three more in the bow but then the wake would have been shot. The rear ski locker is nice but no storage to speak of otherwise. You will really need to consider your use patterns before you make the switch. My wife also asked why the boat was so loud, we could barely carry on a conversation at speed.
I took one wakeboard run with the rear ballast tanks full. The wake was a joke, I had to slow the boat all the way down to 19 and shorten the rope up to 65' to get any lift at all. After this run I just left my board in the bag the rest of the week. To get a decent wake you will need to fill most of the interior with sacks then step over them all day.
If I were to going to quit wakeboarding and wakesurfing I might just get a new closed bow 196. With the closed bow and a couple jump seats you can sit 5 adults in front of the rope. The bow offers great storage. Without jump seats three sit comfortable in the front. For that odd time you want to go boarding you can probably put a set of side sacks and get a good boarding wake using the wakeplate.
Not having the wakeplate on a crossover boat is really missed, I might give the nod to the 206 for this reason alone.
My son has about convinced her to keep the 211, which is what I want to do. I just like the 211 better than any boat I have ever owned. The wife is just gonna have to live with it.
I'ld be thrilled to have a wife that into skiing where she was looking at trading boats because of the wake. Consider yourself a lucky man and get whatever boat she wants.