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If the impeller is in good condition this will not happen. Most likely yours sat all winter dry and the impeller vanes were laid over and not sealing properly against the pump intake face. Without this seal, the pump couldn't prime. As you got moving, either water was forced in through the intake or the pump speed increased to the point the impeller vanes extended and made contact with the pump inlet face. Either way, you got prime and everything was fine after that.
If the impeller is in good condition and working as it should, the pump will most certainly self-prime at idle. If it isn't, replace the impeller. It's a cheap part and most certainly not worth putting off and having it possibly ruin a weekend.
I always replace the impeller each spring-no matter what. A person is assured that multiple freeze cycles and the vanes being laid over all winter are not the case with a "freshy" installed each spring.