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Hi guys I imagine I am too far away for either if you. I am in regina beach, saskatchewan canada. I recently just purchased a 2019 G23 and my sunstream 6000 lb floatlift is not bug enough. I am selling mine. If either of you get desperate and need to look further keep me in mind. I would work with you on travel.
When I purchased my first G I looked for a Sunstream 10000 Floatlift for over six months. I also live in Seattle where they are made. The few I did find were priced almost as much as new ones. Unless you get very lucky you will probably end up having to buy a new one like I did.
That said they are a great lift. Nothing better than being able to walk around the entire boat to wipe it down after every use without the hassle of a trailer.
When I purchased my first G I looked for a Sunstream 10000 Floatlift for over six months. I also live in Seattle where they are made. The few I did find were priced almost as much as new ones. Unless you get very lucky you will probably end up having to buy a new one like I did.
That said they are a great lift. Nothing better than being able to walk around the entire boat to wipe it down after every use without the hassle of a trailer.