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Are you wanting a totally different rack setup or are you wanting to modify the flight clips? Those are pretty sought after racks because they hug the tower and are thick enough to hold thicker surf boards if you tweak them. If you want them to look new or better than new again, I’d recommend sand blasting and powder coating. Check out my thread “Restoring 2001 SAN & Trailer” to see how mine turned out.
You can buy the “OEM” ones from PN, but they are pricey. I bought these from menards. They work well. I’ve seen several people get the HDX brand from Home Depot but they have blue balls on the end of the bungee and I’m way too anal to have blue on my boat that has zero blue on it. Then I got 10’ of clear vinyl tubing. I think I got 3/8” ID tubing and the thicker wall of the few options they had.