Hello does anybody know where the ambient air temperature sensor is located on a 2016 Nautique G23 ? Water temp is reading fine, but i get zero values for the air temperature.
Try sending an email to Townsend, he can probably get it. Isn’t it under warranty?
support@nautiqueparts.com2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
1989 Sport Nautique
I actually never did, the last information I got that the easiest is to take out the display since it should be behind there. I searched for forever from under the dashboard but had no luck locating it. In all honesty I also gave up a little :-)
I have a 2014 SANTE 230. I located the ambient air temp sensor on my craft today. It is on starboard side rear seat above speaker. It is different style of sensor than shown above. There is a removable cover(2 screws) +\- 10” towards bow from sensor to provide access to connector (connector marked AT). The sensor is held in place on underside of speaker/cup holder panel by a black tie wrap . I’ve attached pics showing what the 230 has.