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Can someone please tell me settings/speed/rope length for 110 lb kid for wakeboarding? We have a 2016 G23 with 500 lbs of lead bags on the port side... (Not going to move the lead for wake boarding.)
Assuming they are a beginner, I run no ballast, set the user preset at Wakeboard Novice (which will set no ballast, NCRS at 0), and set the speed to whatever is comfortable for them. The wake will likely not be clean until at least 17 MPH, but that might not even matter if they are just learning. Pull them up SLOWLY on a rope as short as it'll go. No need to rip the handle out of their hands. I pull my 7-year-old at about 11 or 12. He's just learning though.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
Try setting the speed control at 16 or even higher but go as slow as you want manually. Doing so on a G21, gives the best looking wave ever at low speed. No ballast for sure and NCSR at 0. The wave is way cleaner than using the cruiser control at 11, 12, 13, or even 14.
He's not really a beginner--has just been strictly surfing the past couple years. He's 12 and has probably been off the wakeboard for three years; since we got our G.
I had the ballasts empty; just wondering what settings for the boat; what speed to start with; and what length of line is common.
I'd go as short as 50 feet and start at the slowest speed the wake is clean with no ballast, perhaps 16-17 mph. No ballast. NCRS at 0 will make the wake more rampy (less vert and lip) which will be helpful if he is not clearing the wake. A sharp lip leads to hard casing when the wake is not cleared and typically violent crashes. The goal should be to avoid crashing as much as possible. So err on the side of making things too easy. And progress from there.
Even at those setting the wake will be bigger than what any wakeboarder over the age of 28 ever learned on. Fundamentals are the name of the game right now for your rider. Big air and big wakes come later.
For comparison an expert level setting perfect for big airs, spins, inverts would be:
Ballast Full
NCRS at 5
22-23 mph
65-75 ft.
1. Avoid hard crashes (ie face plants)
2. Have fun
Assuming, beginner not first timer and not trying to go wtw
- Slow as possible and until comfortable carving around. So start, 11-14, then up to 15-18 once comfortable after a month, next year, whenever that is.
- Ride switch asap - also slow as possible to start
- Ncrs 0 then up to 2 once comfortable and starting to jump, practice landing jumps with only front hand on handle.
- 55-65 ft to start. Depends on speed, where the wake cleans up for jumping/crossing/landing. Longer give more room for moving around inside wake, less tension, and room to land single wake jumps.
- 50 ft when doing first wtw.
- Will need 17 mph for a clean jumping wake.