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A good friends G is weighted just like yours, from Buxton, and yes, the wave and storage is what made us really think hard about the switch. We had 6 adults out this past weekend on a destination lake and the 210 was cramped for sure. I felt a bit captive by the stuff on the floor and the clam shell storage was packed to the max.
Yeah I heard about the bag updated a few months ago and finally saw some pics of where the bags would go. I decided to do it, mine was the 3rd one done with bags in that area and I can say for sure its makes a huge difference. With losing the area around the sub I was fine with as there is so much more storage every where else. I was in the same situation before with the 210 it quickly runs out of space when we take other people out with us. now I can almost take anything when running an large crew and not feel cramped.