I've found 2 - 2011 SAN 210s and a 2010 SAN 210 within driving distance. I plan to look at a 2011 SAN Team edition tomorrow. The other 2011 doesn't appear to be a Team Edition (no LINC or Keyless ignition). It looks like a lot of these models have vinyl ripping or tearing on the back hatches. Some have ripping on the interior seats. What else should I look for in this year boat? Are there any mechanical issues? I will need to lower the tower to get the boat in my garage. Do any of the biminis restrict the towers from lowering?
I looked at a 2011 Team Edition today. It was in pretty good shape. It had about a quarter size chunk of missing gel coat on an edge of the hull. There was some spider cracking on near a rear vent. The back hatch stitching seemed to be starting to loosen up. The trailer was of big concern to me. It was purchased new in 2018, but doesn't fit the boat all that well. The bunks had gaps between them and the hull in various spots. Also the wheel wells were less than an inch from hitting the hull. The GVWR listed on the trailer stated 5200lbs. I would estimate the boat and trailer are over that when loaded.
The other 2011 boat doesn't list as a Team, but has the emblem on the hull. It doesn't have the LINC system, but has other Team included options.Previous:
2011 Super Air Nautique 210
1994 Sport Nautique
The gel chips and spider cracks can easily be fixed by a reputable glass guy, there was a hull change on the 210’s in 2014 so if that trailer was built for a 2018 210 that would explain why the 2011 210 doesn’t fit well on it.Last edited by ScooterMcgavin; 08-17-2020, 03:53 PM.2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
1989 Sport Nautique
The trailer was "custom made" by McClain Trailers in 2018. If it was for a newer 210, I would think it would hold more weight. I would want to get a new trailer and sell that one.Previous:
2011 Super Air Nautique 210
1994 Sport Nautique