I bought a 2020 GS20 in Febuary, pretty easy loan to get...
Trying to buy used Paragon for 252k and they want my first born....Applied with just myself, credit score 785, 200+k annual income submitted via personal and business taxes for last two years. Liquidity provable of 300k. Can do as much as 80k down. Only thing financed is my house and the boat im gonna trade in for P23
3 banks asked, one bank accepts and looks over financials. Comes back a few days later to say DENIED....Needs at least 500k in Liquidity
SO we add my wife as Co-sign. Her credit score is 798. First bank has denied. waiting on response from last bank still....
Im blown away at how difficult this loan is to acquire....
Finance lady says people are always pretty surprised they can buy most things with a heartbeat and a down payment but any boat over 150k is hard to get and they ask for a lot of info....
IS this the experience you had when spending over 150k on a boat?
Trying to buy used Paragon for 252k and they want my first born....Applied with just myself, credit score 785, 200+k annual income submitted via personal and business taxes for last two years. Liquidity provable of 300k. Can do as much as 80k down. Only thing financed is my house and the boat im gonna trade in for P23
3 banks asked, one bank accepts and looks over financials. Comes back a few days later to say DENIED....Needs at least 500k in Liquidity
SO we add my wife as Co-sign. Her credit score is 798. First bank has denied. waiting on response from last bank still....
Im blown away at how difficult this loan is to acquire....
Finance lady says people are always pretty surprised they can buy most things with a heartbeat and a down payment but any boat over 150k is hard to get and they ask for a lot of info....
IS this the experience you had when spending over 150k on a boat?