Does anyone have experience or tips on the warranty transfer and its affect on existing claims? 2017 warranty claim is for seat skins and that process takes months, but claimed from the original owner. Thanks in advanced for any tips!
I did a warranty xfer on my 17 last year. Took about 3 weeks from the time they received the check and it was done. As far as the claim I'm not sure how that would work. Have you contacted your dealer that will perform the warranty work and ask them?
My boat had a warranty claim for skins when I purchased it from my dealer. The skins came in about a week after I took delivery of the boat. I took the boat back in and had the boat back with the new seats 2 days later. Since the dealer owned the boat when I bought it my situation could be different than yours however if the claim has been approved already you should be good. Your dealer is the one that should be able to give you a definite answer though.