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ok, that is insane! never in my life would i have thought to do that. don't see much point in it, but very very cool. can u even see the screens on a sunny day?
Andrew: This is a crappy pic but you can see the LCD screens in the day time even though it dosent look like it in this pic. I was/am suprised at how well you can see them in the day time. If you have a Bimini up it works awesome. We never use the Screens in the day time, there is plenty to do in the day and you dont need to be watching TV, LOL :grin:
When we uses the screens its usually at night. We will roll out and watch a movie. My boat has 3 screens. 2 on the Mirriors and one in the glove box. The mirriors flip over so you can watch a movie in the open bow. If you have never watched a movie out in the boat at night under the stars your in for a treat, its pretty cool
gotcha, yeah that would be a pretty cool way to go to the movies. u MAY have added another mod to my list, but it would be after i finished everything else