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Most of the platforms I see on the go fast boats around here are made of steel, and powder coated. What are their platforms made of? I sure would not want a steel platform on my ski boat, but then again, I don't want a fiberglass platform either.
Just like the looks of the wood, and the durability, since I occasionally back into a slip and sometimes can't get back there in time to prevent a small bump of the dock. The wood is easily sanded and fixed, but I would imagine the fiberglass would splinter, or at the least ding the chrome surround trim.
A milled plastic, 1/2" thick polyetheleen would do the job, aluminium or stainless frame to carry it, I think that should be ideal. The plastic could be water cut, in all types of design, chamfer the cuts and its undestructable. These materials come through colored.