It turns out that a thief stole my ECM on a 2008 ZR6 390, installed on a SAN 230, and replaced it (??) with the ECM with the references cited below.... I know that sounds strange.
Is it possible to know which boat / engine this ECM comes from with the following references ? Maybe ask to PCM directly ?
E1688000B 010920
With the diacom I could see that the ECM was made for a 5.7L and that the boat it was installed on had around 3000 hours (our boat has barely 1000 hours ...)
I live in France so it should be easy to find the boat this ECM came from, there are very few Correct Craft boats around here.
It turns out that a thief stole my ECM on a 2008 ZR6 390, installed on a SAN 230, and replaced it (??) with the ECM with the references cited below.... I know that sounds strange.
Is it possible to know which boat / engine this ECM comes from with the following references ? Maybe ask to PCM directly ?
E1688000B 010920
With the diacom I could see that the ECM was made for a 5.7L and that the boat it was installed on had around 3000 hours (our boat has barely 1000 hours ...)
I live in France so it should be easy to find the boat this ECM came from, there are very few Correct Craft boats around here.