Questions about 2012 Super Air Nautique Team 230

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  • onaifeh
    • May 2022
    • 6

    • TN

    • Super Air Nautique Team 230

    Questions about 2012 Super Air Nautique Team 230

    So we recently just bought a 2012 SANTE 230, and I have a few questions about it.

    So first, I'm not sure how much weight each ballast holds, and I feel like the wake isn't getting big enough to surf on without the rope?!?!

    Second, This boat didnt come with a cover and I have searched the world trying to find a cover for this boat any ideas/opinions? I have attached images of the boat so you can see the tower, etc.

    Third, The radio doesn't have bluetooth, but I want to be able to control the radio through the screen, and I didnt know that if I replace the radio will it still be compatible with th
    LINC screen? Is there a certain radio I need to get?

    Fourth, Is the bilge automatic?

    Thanks so much for the help!

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  • hal2814
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jun 2016
    • 541

    • Ft Worth, TX

    • 2022 G23, Previous: 2021 GS24, 2011 Super Air Nautique 230, 1995 Super Sport, 1983 Ski Nautique

    Keep in mind the 230 was designed as a wakeboard boat, not a surf boat. I don’t know the exact numbers on what the ballast tanks hold but it’s not nearly enough to surf well. Some people will piggyback 750lb bags on top of the hard tanks in the rear. I did that for a while but eventually just pulled the hard tanks and ran 1,100lb bags back there. The tanks on the pre-2014 230s are a weird wedge shape and don’t piggyback well in my opinion. If you want weight up front you can piggyback off the center tank to add 650lbs in underbow ballast. Some 230s can run an arrow-shaped bag in the ski locker. You can’t. You don’t have a ski locker.

    can’t help you on the cover

    i put a USB Bluetooth device in the USB port on my Clarion. That let me connect and control song selection via Bluetooth into the clarion head unit, LINC, and the remote controls. It was some $15 thing I found on Amazon. You do have to reconnect more often than not when turning the engine back on. If you are set on replacing the radio there are newer clarions that drop in and are still compatible with the LINC screen.

    As far as the bilge pumps, they changed a few things from my 2011 to your 2012 so I’m not 100% sure. Mine were automatic but I would also manually turn them on. There was also a dead man switch just under the throttle that would allow the bilge to run while everything else was off.


    • Cadesun
      • Aug 2007
      • 99

      • Lake Geneva, WI

      • 2013 SAN 210 TE,,, 1998 Super Sport - sold

      Do you happen to have a link to the USB Bluetooth device you use?


      • MN Ryan
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Aug 2020
        • 1253

        • Maple Grove, MN

        • 2007 SV-211 TE

        I put one of these in my boat last year, and it works quite well. I don't have any reconnection issues

        NVX VUBT2:


        • srock
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Oct 2008
          • 1066

          • Florida

          • 2009 Super Air 230 2005 Whaler Dauntless

          I have a Sewlong cover that goes over the tower and fully covers the sides. Works great and I can install it with or without the Z5 bimini. I also added Wakemakers 750 over the ballast tanks. I prefer to wakeboard but it easily surfs. I put about 175lbs in the nose and run the belly full.
          Last edited by srock; 05-04-2022, 11:26 AM.


          • srock
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 1066

            • Florida

            • 2009 Super Air 230 2005 Whaler Dauntless

            Oh...I also use a suck gate.


            • MWM
              • Sep 2019
              • 6

              • Florida

              I use a Dallas Canvas ( cover that goes over the entire boat (including the tower) and well below the water line. Keeps the Florida sun off the whole boat. Great option if you keep it on the trailer.


              • Ckowals1
                • Aug 2019
                • 118

                • Mooresville, NC

                • 2019 G23 Previous: 2008 SAN 230 Team Edition

                For surfing, i bought an 08 230 about 2 years ago and found that the stock wave (i believe 750# - 800# total ballast) was not up to par to surf on.
                My boat did come with a 1500# ballast retrofit in the stern lockers (750# high fly piggyback sac on each side), and i even found this sub par (approx 2300# total ballast).

                What i ended up doing is removing the hard tanks (took about 30-45 mins total to do so) and replacing them with 1100# fly high sacs since I only wakesurf (
                Additionally, ive added the fly high arrow sac inside my ski locker - you will probably have to get a sac that goes under the front seats as you should not have a ski locker (

                This is filled by overflow from the belly tanks.

                The combination of the 1100s and the belly sac provides a wave that I’m in love with (3,000# - 3,100# total ballast). I use a mission delta suck gate and position it just under the team 230 badge towards the rear of the boat.
                One note is that i did have to reinforce the engine divider panels and also secure the bottoms so that they did not bow or pop out of the U channel due to the ballast sacs in the rear lockers.

                Regarding the bluetooth, i use a fusion dongle linked below:


                I tapped into the glovebox auxilliary RCA inout as a source for this, and supplied 12VDC power to it from one of the amps nearby. Works great, but the only complaint i have is that it doesnt reconnect previosuly paired devices after being turned off (I need to manually connect every time i turn the stereo on)

                Last - if there are no changes from 08 - 12, your bilge will be automatic. You should hear 2 bilge cycles periodically when the boat is running, or off and the toggle switch is down (1 cycle for the front bilge pump and 1 for the rear). These are the bilge pumps cycling on a timer to sense water.
                Last edited by Ckowals1; 05-13-2022, 01:40 PM.


                • stujohnson
                  • Jan 2022
                  • 12

                  • Issaquah

                  • 2011 Super Air Nautique 230

                  Make sure you pull the center cover and check the bilge pump. Mine came off the epoxy block on the bottom of the boat and really wasn't doing any good. Same for the back one check that one as well.

                  Go join the “Nautique Boat Owners†group on Facebook. Lots of good information out there and can search for this kind of stuff.

                  I also just replaced my old Clarion radio like you have with the new Clarion M608 one that has Bluetooth built in it. It’s a lot nicer radio. But more $$

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

