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That is very interesting and creative. I like the appearance but that builder is still very incomplete. Take a look at the tige configurator. The CC one is somewhat similar to that. It is the most detailed that CC has ever had and is a huge improvement.
After ALL this rhetoric, i'm split on Abu & ER. It will be "cool" but not 100% complete by 5pm tomorrow. Oh, Jeff Meloon, did you SCHMOOZE your way INTO THE DEALER MEETING TOO?! Groveling is so unbecoming.
\"The voices aren\'t real...but they have some good ideas.\"
After ALL this rhetoric, i'm split on Abu & ER. It will be "cool" but not 100% complete by 5pm tomorrow. Oh, Jeff Meloon, did you SCHMOOZE your way INTO THE DEALER MEETING TOO?! Groveling is so unbecoming.
DON'T release it if it isn't complete! Wait another day or two and fix it. Tell them to make sure they take a look at it in FireFox 2.0
DON'T release it if it isn't complete! Wait another day or two and fix it. Tell them to make sure they take a look at it in FireFox 2.0
Somethings are out of line.
I doubt they would, they best not.. haha... b/c they know the second after its release we'll all be on it like shet on velcrow to find any mistakes/errors they made...
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Ok so I changed my avaitar but I figured since I was right about the dates I would also inform you that it appears oldfart and skinautique are the same person.........IP screener shows same IP addy for both people at the last posts made. Well I tried and it hasent updated....but I do app. for using someone elses boat, consider it a complement! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
ER, we are not the ones buying new boats. Most of us here are not NOW in the market--we have our boats. But since we are the strongest fans of the company, we ironically are the ones who seem to visit CC's site most frequently. So, its not that we're out TO find mistakes, we are just the ones bound to find them... Also, we care about how the company looks more than the new guy visiting to find out what a Nautique really is... Maybe it sounded a bit harsh, but its all in good hope...
They've got 24 mins left to update it or you win :shock:
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Well said Abu, but isn't there a difference between jesting (i.e. our wager) & "going postal" or getting nasty. u have to admit [or not ] that some people are tremendously harsh. They seem to:
"go Tom Cruise" (jumping up & down like a lunatic)
"go Sadam Insane" (that finger-in-a-socket look)
"get Ugly" (a southern phrase - don't be ugly!)
\"The voices aren\'t real...but they have some good ideas.\"