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Hi everyone new to this forum. I have a 06 centurion and looking to upgrade. Is a 2022 G23 without the supplemental ballast worth it? Will I be disappointed that it doesn’t have the extra ballast?
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
Totally worth it ,I have a 2022 G23 with the factory supplemental ballast tanks .We surfed without them filled and it was good but when you fill the additional ballast look out its a big strong wave .
I would add it yes , if you want a bigger wave. You could just add lead bags though for half the price. What I like is the ballast shift for an extra big wave .
Can't say I've ever been in or behind a '22 G23, but even without the supplemental ballast, I would imagine it's leaps and bounds more impressive than an '06 Centurion.
Apparently this boat is a first edition 2022 so the supplemental wasnt offered. So I would have to add extra ballast myself. Seems kind of crazy to do on such a pricey boat. My guess is that's the reason they are offering it with such a steep discount.
N901, our kit would be a perfect option for you if you havent picked this boat up yet, for $1,990 and a few hours you'd have a good deal on a boat and better ballast over even G23 with supplemental.
I personally would add it if it’s not there. It wouldn’t be a huge ordeal to add it. The wiring is there either way and you can turn on supplemental through the dealer menu. You need pumps, the metal brackets to mount them, thru hull connections, vent connections, hoses and bags. It could be done in a day, less if you’ve run a ballast install before.
Personally don't love the supplemental. It is nice for ballast shifting and if you have zero passengers to fill some. However when full seems like too much imho, even without passengers. That being said, for resale purposes it would be nice to have.