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I have a 97. We've had it for about a year and a half. I'll keep it until I can save enough money to pay cash for a TSC 3. That is if I ski behind one and think it's actually better. If not I'll keep babying what I've got.
99' tsc 160 hours, white with red main, gt-40, PP 6.4 thinking of upgrading to the new guage, heater, pop up cleats, quick conect bimini. Oh yea I need an extra timer for my PP if anyone has one cheap or even free is better.
I sure do like skiing behind it.
My next boat will hopefully be a 206, but it will have to wait till we have a larger garage.
2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
2003 SN 206...looking to sell it now...I'm looking at a 2007 Air Nautique 216 Team...still has the TSC2 hull (just a foot longer than my 206) Love the hull...need the extra space...