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I just looked at the GS20 and 22. I like what I see in the interior, but not so much for the exterior.
Just my opinion, but the models are going the route of SUVs. Equinox, Blazer, Traverse...no big difference until you get to a Tahoe or Suburban. GS, S and then bigger G. Meh...
I lost interest before I tried to look for pricing.
Skidave....just the opposite for me. I like what on see on the exterior....clean lines...better looking than the S for sure....cool window...tower could have a better shape. Took one look in the interior...NO in floor cooler..in a 22 foot boat...come on. Nope...not for me.
In floor cooler and passenger side front mounted garbage bin would be the perfect boat for me. I like the GS really much, although the weight als on this boat is getting borderline heavy.