60 mph sustained straight line winds tonight. Our boat lift blew over with our 2008 211 on it. A side window was shattered and some gelcoat gouges above the rub rail from the lift. No other gelcoat damage or cracks that I could see.
There's some water in the engine compartment but I couldn't tell if it's just from rain or if it's coming in from below. The boat seems on the lift enough that I don't think the prop or rudder were damaged but I didn't swim under to see. I'm guessing likely just rain water?
The rear compartment panels (engine and starboard storage) are racked slightly. Is this likely normal hull deflection? Or potentially more serious?
New lift is coming tomorrow. He'll lift the boat off the damaged lift and we'll see if it floats (I expect it will).
My primary concern is safety. Wondering if I should haul it to Marine Max to have them look at it or put it in the lift. We've two families with kids coming on Saturday for a week of skiing and I'd hate for the boat to be stuck at Marine Max the whole time for not good reason but am a bit wary of taking risks as well.