The process is upon us.
As bad as that is, that is actually me when the BIL decides to leave his boat in until November and I come to the realization that we'll be pulling the dock and his lift out in 40 degree weather with light rain.
Pulling our pier this weekend. Luckily we have a bit of warm weather this week in Michiana, but we will still need waders to get in the deeper water past the "thermometer".
Antifreeze has been purchased, so the 'ol bucket transfusion may have to happen Saturday as well.
Traded swim trunks and golf shorts for cammo at the beginning of the month anyway. Time to get this guys schedule figured out.
Gentlemen: drysuit. Icelocked souls: so sorry.2004 206 Air Nautique Limited - Black with Vapor Blue (family style)
1997 Masters Edition Nautique - Zephyr Green - gone (amazing ski wake)
1982 Mastercraft Powerslot - gone (a primitive but wonderful beast)
Bellevue WA