You may notice that a new PlanetNautique Site Sponsors has joined us! This is always a welcome thing as it helps offset my costs for running this site, and it provides an opportunity for our members to see what these businesses have to offer.
I am very selective when it comes to the businesses that I allow to become PN Site Sponsors. I want to be sure that they are a good fit for our members, and that the products they offer are of good quality and that they are relevant to our needs. This one definitely fits those requirements!
I am happy to announce that Rinda Technologies, the company behind the Diacom engine diagnostics systems that PCM and Nautique use, has decided to join us as a PN Site Sponsor! I am sure most of you are familiar with their products, but if you are not, please click on the link above and check them out! Having Diacom diagnostics has saved me so much time when I am working on my boats. Their tools are must-have when it comes to owning a Nautique. Please check them out! You'll find their banner ad at the top of the site.
I am very selective when it comes to the businesses that I allow to become PN Site Sponsors. I want to be sure that they are a good fit for our members, and that the products they offer are of good quality and that they are relevant to our needs. This one definitely fits those requirements!
I am happy to announce that Rinda Technologies, the company behind the Diacom engine diagnostics systems that PCM and Nautique use, has decided to join us as a PN Site Sponsor! I am sure most of you are familiar with their products, but if you are not, please click on the link above and check them out! Having Diacom diagnostics has saved me so much time when I am working on my boats. Their tools are must-have when it comes to owning a Nautique. Please check them out! You'll find their banner ad at the top of the site.