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yeah, after i knew what model to look at i finally figured out where they are located lol. its kinda hard to see on tiny pictures, but now i'm set thanks again
Does anyone have an idea is these would fit on the ends of the rub rails on my 92 196 closed bow? Anyone in that year model tried it? Those look great!
i would imagine that they would fit anything that u screw them down to. i'm gonna put them on my 86, just don't know what rubrail i'm gonna go with....
JR, going from memory I think the newer rub rails are a little smaller than ours. The rub rail above looks to be the same as ours though, so maybe thats not a problem. The angle may not match perfectly- but it looks to be pretty close.
If you try them, let me know how they work. I was going to have mine powdercoated, but this is an interesting alternative.