Just today, took the boat out, noticed it only has 6 hours on it. I drive it over to the other lake attached to ours, (we live on the Butler Chain those of you familiar with the Central Florida area). Anyway, we have a brand new 2006 SAN 220. Great boat, no problems thus far, however I noticed today, when I'd hit the throttle, get going plane out what not, hit about 30 mph, rpms between 3000-3200, and when I'd let off the throttle abruptly...basically if I could put it in terms, "hitting the brakes", completely letting off as if to avoid a collision or something, I'd get a beep in the tachometer. A small red light would flash for a millisecond that caught my eye everytime it did it. I couldn't figure out why it did that everytime. I would get sort of a weird shudder in the cabin, which I don't know if I could make anything out of it or not. Looked in the manual, even called the dealer, no clue. Any of you experienced it? Is it bad for the engine for me to be going at a speed like that with the rpms, and then letting off completely, putting the boat into just gear and then into neutral?