I ski year round here and it seldom freezes. Weather forecast for 3 days next week says lows in the mid 20's and daytime highs in the mid 40's to 50's. My boat stays outside cover with a Sunbrella cover. What precautions do I need to take, if any? I am not so concerned about the block, but am concerned about the heater core. I am not sure that I want to put a shoplight in the engine compartment or a heater in the boat (fire danger). Also not too crazy about spending $300.00 for a Boatsafe heater. How about an electric blanked over the top of the boat cover? Anybody ever do that? Any thoughts will be appreciated.
RE: Freeze Protection in Nor Cal
Most of my friends throw a strand of Christmas lights in to keep it above freezing. My only concern would be gas fumes; however my friend has done this with his Malibu for the last 12 years and had no problems (he lives just outside Sac in Rocklin).
RE: Freeze Protection in Nor Cal
I would suggest the string of Christmas tree lights, also. Use the ones that keep on even if one burns out, try to find the older ones with bulbs about as big as your thumb. Put a row around your engine compartment, making sure the bulbs are not touching anything. Run the strand up to where your heater is, and put a bulb or two there. Same idea if you have a hot water shower control outside of your engine compartment. Drain your speedo pickups by disconnecting the tube at the speedo head, and blowing through it, if you have the older Airguide speedos. If you run the boat and get it good and warm, it should be ok for 24 hours, unless it gets really cold with a strong wind.
1,000 Post Club Member
- Jul 2003
- 2908
- San Francisco, CA
- Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous
RE: Freeze Protection in Nor Cal
Probably no need to worry, see this thread.
I have been recording temps for the past three weeks, I will try to download the data tomorrow.
1,000 Post Club Member
- Jul 2003
- 2908
- San Francisco, CA
- Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous
New Data.
Between 12/17 and 12/25 the lowest outside air temperature I recorded was 25 and the minimum motor box temperature was 32 degrees. On 12/25 it rained on the outside air temp recorder and killed it but motor box temps recorded through today.
On 12/25 I started a 25 watt light bulb from 11pm through 4am, then removed it on 12/30. The motor box temp never went below 38 degrees with the light bulb.