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Was there a "Masters Edition" Sport Nautique in '9
Was there a "Masters Edition" Sport Nautique in '9
Just as the topic states, did CC build a Master's Edition Sport Nautique in 1997 that was different than a regular Sport Nautique? If so, what were the differences in features and approximate price. Thanks!
No their technically wasn't a "masters edition" sport nautique. They did it with the ski nautique and what most people do is call any boat with that color combo a masters edition. It was burgandy and zephyr.
Heater and shower was standard in it, and at the factory we called it a Signature. The Signature was years before we had the current Signature, Limited , and Team. I liked the Body Glove boats we did for a bit, cool colors
You guys did the signature in 95 with jade/zephyr and then in 96 with navy/zephyr and then you guys did the masters in 97 and/or 98 right? That is the way I remember it. One year was burgandy/zephyr and I think the other was green/zephyr right?